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Real Estate Insider: April 2024

Posted on April 24th 2024 by Lalovich

Welcome back, Real Estate Insiders! This month we’re covering inheritance and asset division, automatic eviction, tax season tips, and so much more! If you haven’t signed up to our newsletters SUBSCRIBE NOW to receive insider updates, tips and advice, the hottest YQG listings, and so much more to keep you informed throughout the month. Let’s dive in!

Private Mortgages: The Missing Piece To Your Investment Puzzle

The secret is out: private mortgages as a stable, high-yield investment opportunity should be a part of a well-rounded portfolio. 

Furnishing Your Rental Property: Pro Or Con?

The truth is: it depends! Read about the initial investment, demographic targets, and more that come with a furnished rental property. 

There’s More Than One Way To Skin A Cat—And Also Divide Assets In An Estate

We’re not sure why anyone would want to skin a cat, but the latter might come up in most people’s lives. Read this scenario where three children are trying to decide how to divide their parents’ estate. This article does a good job of laying out all the options, along with the benefits and drawbacks of each. If you have aging parents and siblings, this may solve problems you didn’t even know you had.  

Is Housing Affordable Anywhere? Hint: Not In Canada

This American-based article breaks down real estate prices to income across the U.S. to find out where there’s still a deal to be found. Anyone up for a road trip?

Read: Where Is Housing Still Affordable?

Inherited A Property? Here’s How To Calculate The “ACB”

For those non-accountants out there, that means “Adjusted Cost Base”. This article explains how to calculate ACB if you inherited a property years ago and were unsure of the market value at the time you inherited, but are now planning to or recently sold said property.

Real Estate Investment Rates 101

Whether you’re a savvy investor, novice, or planning to invest in the future, familiarizing yourself with the different types of rates and what they mean is always a good idea. This article does just that!

Cash-For-Keys: Everybody Wins

Discover how to navigate through this method when parting ways with a tenant or landlord. Is the backlog from the Landlord and Tenant Board to blame for this method’s growing popularity?

Short Term Pain, Long Term Gain: Is It Time To Go Variable?

This blogger thinks so, stating that the longer the Bank of Canada holds rates, the lower the variable rate will go. Is the risk finally worth the reward?

Read: The Longer The First Rate Cut Takes, The Lower Our Variable Mortgage Rates Will Go

Seven Questions To Ask Yourself Before Paying Off Your Mortgage

It used to be a no-brainer to try and pay down your mortgage as fast as possible. With high bond yields and relatively lower interest rates, it makes the decision a little more complicated. Decide if paying off your mortgage early or investing is best for you!

Read: Pay Off Your Mortgage Early or Invest?

Automatic Eviction For Non-Payment Of Rent Petition Is Growing!

Fed up with the backlog at the LTB, landlords have taken matters into their own hands. This petition has over 38,000 signatures and counting! If you agree, sign it here! P.S. Have you seen my video on this? Watch it here!

Read: Some Ontario Landlords Are Calling For ‘Automatic’ Evictions For Tenants Who Don’t Pay Rent

8 Tax Tips For The Real Estate Investor

Here’s a list of tips to make sure tax season is as quick and painless as possible—I found #3 very helpful!

Upgrading Electrical For Multi-Unit Conversion

This video does a good job of explaining the three major components of electrical upgrades during a muti-unit conversion. HINT: Get started early in the renovation process!