Real Estate Insider: January 2024
Posted on January 19th 2024 by Lalovich
Welcome back, Real Estate Insiders! We’re kicking off 2024 with a look at the housing shortage and how Canadians are re-thinking their stance on immigration. Also, federal economic updates that affect real estate investors, the difference between 2 and 3+ units when it comes to residential conversion and we’ll see how many insurance companies got caught chasing commissions instead of fulfilling the needs of the customer. Let’s dive in!
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Accidental Landlords
Read how a rarely sighted section of Ontario’s Residential Tenancies Act has turned these homeowners’ dream into a nightmare, and they are pointing fingers!
READ: Reluctant Landlords: Condo Buyers Find They are Unable to Evict Tenants
Demographics Shape the Housing Market, and Boomers are Holding the Clay!
Did you know older generations control almost 90% of the housing stock in the USA? The same can most likely be said for Canada. Eventually millennials will take the reigns, but are they going to be waiting longer than their parents did? Read more!
READ: How the Demographics Are Shaping the Housing Market
Federal Economic Updates that Affect Real Estate Investors
Read about the UHT (if you don’t know what that is, you should read this), short term rental write-offs, and why it seems to some that the “government is trying to protecting Canadians from the policies the government created in the first place.”
READ: Top 3 Federal Economic Updates that Affect Real Estate Investors
How to Make Sure Your Cap Rate on Multifamily Investments is “No Cap”
This articles gives you the ins and outs of cap rates and how to make sure you’re calculating correctly.
Not so Immi-Great-ion
The housing shortage has Canadians re-thinking their stance on immigration, read more about which demographics feel the strongest about this policy.
Read: Most Canadians Now Think Immigration Is Too High
“” Might be the Answer you are Looking for if you have Short Term Savings Goals
Read about this ETF that works like a GIC except there is no time commitment. Everyone saving up for a home soon should take a look!
2 Unit Vs. Multiplex – Bigger Isn’t Always Better
Watch here the key differences between 2 units and 3+ units when it comes to residential conversion. With Bill 23 in effect this will become very popular to combat the supply shortage. Is your home a good candidate? Watch to find out!
Household Debt Crisis Could Force Bank of Canada to Act
The current amount of average household debt could force the Feds to lower interest rates faster and lower than they would like, and this blogger thinks inflation shouldn’t be a concern or an excuse moving forward.
Read: High Rates Untenable Amid Household ‘Debt Crisis’
“The Best Thing a Human Being can do is to Help Another Human Being Know More” – Charlie Munger
This is just one of the brilliant quotes from the late legendary investor. Read more of his best quotes and advice.
Read: 9 of Charlie Munger’s Best Investing Lessons and Words of Wisdom
Life Insurance – are you Buying or are they Selling?
Read how many insurance companies got caught chasing commissions instead of fulfilling the needs of the customer. If you have or are thinking of getting life insurance, you should read this article!
Does Building New Homes Cause Gentrification? Or is it the Other Way Around?
Most people think when new supply is introduced in a neighbourhood, rents will soon rise. However it seems to be the opposite according to this study. Read how newer apartments would free up more affordable housing for those who need it.
Read: No, Really. Building More Housing Can Combat Rising Rents
“If Bad News is Good News, I Have Plenty of Good News for you”
Read here as this economist believes interest rates are primed to drop, but the reason why isn’t necessarily great.
Read: Interest Rates are Coming Down… Soon
New Homes in Canada are on Fire… and Not in a Good Way
Read more about this warning to new home builders from a large insurance company that investors may turn to arson to get out of their contract as interest rates rise.
Read: Canadian Real Estate Arson May Rise As Economy Slows, Warns Insurer
The Only Real Estate Hedge Funds Should Worry About is on Wall Street
New legislation proposed will ban hedge funds from owning single family properties, freeing them up for users. Read about this proposal and it’s potential impact here!
Read: New Legislation Proposes Banning Hedge Funds from Owning Single-Family Properties
Is it Time to Return to Variable Rate Mortgages?
Read: Does the Latest Bank of Canada Announcement Mean it’s Go-Time Again for Variable-Rate Mortgages?
Survey of Windsor-Essex County Residents – What’s Hot and What’s Not
Read the results of a survey that asked residents to give their opinions on quality of life, affordability, home prices, healthcare and more!
Read: Survey of Residents Living in Windsor-Essex