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Real Estate Insider: October 2022

Posted on October 28th 2022 by Lalovich

Happy Halloween, Real Estate Insiders! We’ve found a forbidden treasure trove of articles for you to read around the fire. From the scary truth about the Canadian housing and inventory crisis, to predictions for the looming new year, to the real victims of high interest rates, and much more. Let’s dive in!

Cap Rates & Interest Rates

With a relationship as correlated as Halloween and pumpkins, see how one affects the other in all real estate transactions (but not always equally). 

When The Deal Dies

Thinking of walking away from your real estate deal? This lawyers advice: “Don’t do it”. Find out how walking away from your binding contract could spell disaster for your financial future.

Read: When Real Estate Deals Die, Deposits Are Often Held Hostage

It’s Dangerous To Go Alone

Here’s everything you need to know about Home Equity Line of Credit!

Read: Home Equity Line of Credit Canada: The Complete Guide

The Scary Truth Of Canadian Housing Affordability

Will investors soon be flooding the market with listings?

Unintended Victims

Like Mike Myers, these higher interest rates have taken their own victims. Who is most affected by the recent frequent rate hikes? It’s not who you might think!

Inventory Crisis

This real estate inventory report doesn’t even account for the homes that are haunted! Is Canada’s supply heading to a crisis point?

Read: Canada Real Estate Inventory May Reach Crisis Point

More Tricks Than Treats?

Here’s what you need to know about buying real estate through a corporation, and why it might be better to own it yourself.

Debt to Income Ratio

Discover what it is and why you should know yours!

A Thriller Of A Year?

Listen to this podcast and find out what’s in the real estate forecast for 2023!

Listen: 2023 Housing Market Forecast

Hall-o-where Is The Market Headed?

Here are 9 different housing market predictions for the next 5 years.

Where Are All The Workers?

The shortage of trades workers in Canada is getting spooky! Do we have enough to build the houses we need?

Read: Are There Enough Construction Workers To Build The Housing We Need?

Cause For Alarm

The wealth gap between homeowners and non-homeowners is widening. What can be done to help renters generate wealth?

Read: The Wealth Gap Between Homeowners And Renters Is Widening Quickly

Eerie Glow

This blogger thinks the BOC and Federal Reserve have to now “let the fires burn” (and unfortunately, not to light the Jack-O-Lanterns). Learn how their past mistakes could lead to them doubling down on their corrective actions.

Read: Why Central Bankers Must Now Let the Fires Burn

Spooktacular News!

A housing revolution is on the way: “ghost friendly” or not, the pro-housing forces are winning! Discover how NIMBY’s (Not in my Backyarders) are losing the battle of ADUs in suburban neighbourhoods.

Read: The Housing Revolution Is Coming

Surviving the Hike

These interest rate hikes can be scary, but like a haunted house, there are steps to help you get through them! Watch this video on how to survive through these rate hikes!