Posted on September 27th 2021 by Lalovich
Welcome back, Real Estate Insiders! Autumn is finally here offering us a break from summer, but the market is still hot. We cover what kinds of insurance you should have that you probably don’t, one of the smartest investing strategies, who’s to blame (or not) for the market boom, plus much more. Grab that pumpkin spice latte and dive on in—there’s something for everyone.
Move Into Your Cottage—It Might Save You Money!
Are you are lucky enough to have a cottage during these tough times? This article will explain the tax implications should you sell, including how you can receive the principal residence capitals gains exemption even if you don’t live there “full time”.
Read: Principal Residence Exemption From Taxation Of Cottages
Condo Insurance: Know Your (Stuff’s) Worth
While the condo corporation is insured for most of the building, you are responsible for insurance on everything inside your unit. Learn the ins and outs of condo insurance to determine what kind of coverage is best suited for you.
Don’t Be Left High and Dry Without Flood Insurance
Do you live in a high risk flood zone? Make sure that your home insurance includes flooding; if you didn’t ask for it, it probably doesn’t.
Death and Taxes: The Connections Between Life’s Certainties
You’re not alone if you feel like you are getting taxed to death! Here’s a breakdown of real estate taxes in Canada and how you can get taxed nine different ways in a new home.
The Canadian Real Estate Crash: You’re Probably Wrong—and In Good Company
This blogger complied a list of credible investors and blogs who were dead wrong about the Canadian real estate market. Discover why you probably won’t predict the next big crash.
Read: A short history of everyone who’s been wrong about Canadian housing
One New Home Build for Every 22-Person Population Growth? HOUSING SHORTAGE!
Population growth from 2016-2019 nearly doubled from the four years prior, but new housing has only increased fractionally. This led to a drastic housing shortage, sending prices through the roof—before the pandemic-induced real estate boom! Find out where the population is headed and why housing needs to catch up with immigration.
Buy and Hold: The Most Effective Real Estate Investing Strategy
This investor thinks the best time to sell real estate is never! With the buy and hold strategy, investors can create long term wealth by doing less work.
Read: An Effective Real Estate Investment Strategy: Don’t Buy And Sell, Just Buy
If the Price of Lumber Falls in the Forest, Will Anyone Hear It?
Speculators predict lumber prices will continue to fall from their historic pandemic highs. Is this good news for new construction prices? This in-depth analysis of lumber prices from the past few years might offer a clue.
Read: Lumber’s Spectacular Price Crash Could Be Good News For Home Buyers
This Blogger May Never Pay Off His Mortgage — On Purpose
Paying off a mortgage is a common financial goal, but one blogger believes in the power of leveraging good debt. One strategy is not better than the other and is dependant upon your goals, personality, relationship with debt, and stage of life. Discover the pros of keeping a mortgage on your home to see which is right for you.
Read: Why I Might Never Pay Off My Mortgage
How To Hedge Against Your Home
Many people have most of their net worth tied up in their home. The recent explosion of home prices have some worried that a dip in housing prices could cause them huge financial loss. Learn how to hedge against your home to protect your finances in an unexpected event (which most recessions are).
Read: How to Hedge the Housing Market
Buyer Loses Deposit After Seller Breaches Contract
One buyer learned the hard way when a seller didn’t honour the terms of an APS. It isn’t a “get out of contract free” card! After waiting too long to inform the seller they wanted out, the buyer lost over $200,000.00 in deposit money. Make sure it doesn’t happen to you!
Read: Buyers lose right to recover deposit after seller breaches agreement
Are Investors To Blame for the Market Boom?
As investors simply shift the inventory from primary residences to rentals, the answer is: barely. Prices are bound to increase when large numbers of investors enter the ring. Learn how investors are affecting the real estate market and how their actions could create a “Generation of Renters”.
Is Immigration To Blame for the Market Boom?
Immigration hit a historic low in 2020 while the real estate market experienced historic increases. How necessary is immigration in sustaining Canada’s population growth, and why is a lack of inventory the root of the problem?
Read: Why the argument that immigration is the sole cause of soaring home prices is flawed
UPDATE: Variable Versus Fixed Rate Mortgage
Here is the current assessment of variable versus fixed rate mortgages, including when they will start to rise, how high they will go, and more!
Read: The Current Case for Variable-Rate Mortgages
Buying Real Estate In A Time Like This
We won’t tell you what to do, but we will provide you with great articles like this one. Discover how you can turn a profit investing in real estate even with the recent boom.
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