Real Estate Insider: January 2025
Posted on January 8th 2025 by Generator
Welcome back, Real Estate Insiders! This month, we’ll examine beating high interest rates, the capital gains tax change update, how homeownership isn’t for everyone, plus so much more! If you haven’t signed up to our newsletters SUBSCRIBE NOW to receive insider updates, tips and advice, the hottest YQG listings, and so much more to keep you informed throughout the month. Let’s dive in!
Capital Gains Tax Change Update
There’s a good chance the capital gains tax law change will not come into effect if there is a federal election. Check out the following article to find out what that means for Canadians.
Read: What to Know as Canada’s Capital Gains Tax Changes Remain in Legal Limbo
The CMHC Is Not What It Used To Be
Read all about what the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation mortgage loan insurance program needs to do in order to adjust for the present and future generations.
Read: Opinion: CMHC Insurance has Shifted From Enabling Homeownership to Inflating Prices
Beating High Interest Rates
Paying the prepayment penalty upfront to sign a new mortgage may seem like a pricey decision that can cause some hesitation, but sometimes it can save you significant money in the long run. More details in the article below.
Read: Signed a Mortgage When Interest Rates Were at Their Highest? Breaking it Could Save you Money
The Scoop on This $50,000 Damage Claim Court Case
This seller tried suing a buyer for damages lost due to backing out of an agreement of purchase and sale. But things aren’t always that black and white…get the full story below.
Read: Ontario Court says Schedule B Addition Sinks Seller’s $50K Claim
Year-End Tax Tips for You
The following article provides some insightful financial tips and recommendations to set you up for a strong, smart, and successful 2025!
Read: 13 Year-End Tax Tips You Don’t Want to Miss
Alberta Remains the Hot Spot for Canadians
Curious as to why the province of Alberta’s migrating population continues to rise? Besides its beautiful landscapes, there is a lot to be provided there. Find out the reasons Canadians love it and other interesting statistics by clicking the link below.
Read: Canadians Still Moving to Alberta, East Coast Appeal Fizzles Out: BMO
Canada’s Dollar is (Unfortunately) Still Weak
And getting worse, as this is the weakest it has been since 2003! This article discusses how even though Canada’s weak loonie provided some leverage in the past, things are anticipated to be changing alongside the US economy.
Read: Canadian Dollar Plunges as Bank of Canada and Federal Reserve Diverge
We Said it Once, We Will Say it Again!
Homeownership still isn’t for everyone. The following article goes over the pros and cons of owning a home, the pros and cons of renting, as well as interest rate statistics.
Read: Homeownership Isn’t For Everyone
FYI: Landlord Insurance
What is the difference between homeowner and landlord insurance? What does landlord insurance include? If you’ve been wanting or curious to tap into real estate investing, this article should be worth the read.
Read: Insurance for Landlords in Canada: Your Guide to Protecting Rental Properties
More Tax Updates!
This one has it all – calculations, graphs, and statistics all about the key tax changes that will be effecting Canadians in the new year and how to continue to be smart among these changes.
Read: Income Tax Update 2025: What’s Changing?
How Canada Deals With Inheritance Tax
Spoiler: it doesn’t! Canada does not impose a tax when someone is inheriting a deceased love one’s assets. If you’re curious to know why or how that, along with probate tax, works then definitely check out the following link.
Read: Can Transferring Ownership of a House Help Avoid Probate Tax?
Check Out This Home Tour
This video explains and shows an expert’s newest conversion project. This building was turned into a fourplex plus garden suite to allow tenants the chance to live in a fully remodelled space.
Watch: Tour of 4 Unit Conversion and Garden Suite in Toronto